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CGA Enterprises Inc.  (“IGRC2024”, “we”, or “us”), as an affiliate of the Canadian Gas Association (“CGA”), participates in various forms of advertising, internal and external marketing and communications and social media (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram) (the “Promotional Materials”)for the purposes of promoting the International Gas Research Conference (the “Conference”) on behalf of the International Gas Union (“IGU”).


I consent, authorize and grant permission to  IGRC2024, the CGA, IGU, and their agents, affiliates, employees and duly authorized representatives to collect, use, disclose, process, copyright, publish, retouch, edit, or otherwise use or reproduce photographic portraits or pictures, videotapes, motion pictures, sketches, recordings or any other graphic reproductions of me – whether in conjunction with my name or not - of my attendance and/or participation at the Conference, including any speech, presentation, panel and related audio/visual aids, (collectively, the “Material”) for the purpose of enabling Conference attendees continued access to the Materials following the Conference, and for use in their Promotional Materials, without further notice to me and without compensation. I further consent to the use of my name, likeness, voice and biographical information about me in connection with the above.


In granting such permission, I waive all rights, title and interest that I may have in said Material and in any finished pictures, video, audio,  graphics, negatives, reproductions or copies, and further waive any and all rights to review the use or content of such Material.


By signing below, I authorize the Canadian Gas Association, IGRC2024 and IGU to collect, use, process, register and transfer to its affiliates and service providers outside of Canada (and, for residents of Quebec, outside of Quebec), including in the US, the EU and other foreign jurisdictions where their service providers are located, where it may be subject to lawful access by foreign courts, law enforcement agencies, or other government authorities.


For more information regarding IGRC2024’s privacy practices, please see the IGRC2024 Privacy Policy, or contact IGRC2024’s Data Protection Officer at:


João Salviano, Data Protection Officer